photo credit: Claudia Brijbag

    photo credit Claudia Brijbag

Darling Fitch Presents: RISE

 Praise for Darling’s Work:

“…electric, eccentric, elegant, honest, and pretty much everything.”


“powerful… both energised and energising. This is challenging stuff”

David Charles, Edinburgh Guide

“…thoughtful in an unexpectedly accessible way”

Emily Manthei, Restless Magazine

Gentrification, alienation, hyper-inflation, mass incarceration, monetization, climate migration. Rise is a reckoning with crises a long time coming, in which we are all entwined.

Through song, poetry and interactive performance, Darling Fitch plants a seed of hope in the tumult – if we can hold on, and stay rooted.

What will you be building

When they get to nowhere

Are you climbing up there – or planted with us now

Climbing up or planted

When they get to nowhere

What will you be building when it all falls down


US-born, Berlin-based multidisciplinary performer Darling Fitch challenges and entertains with a unique blend of performance, poetics and riveting electronic music that has been described as somewhere between Laurie Anderson, Fever Ray and “Britney Spears meets Throbbing Gristle”. Their one-person shows broach topics from gender transition and club culture (A Stranger Sound, 2015) to climate change and gentrification (REVELATIONS, 2019) to collective crisis (Rise, 2024) with a surprising tenderness and eye for connection in moments of discomfort.

In 10+ years of traveling and performing across Europe and the US, Fitch has honed their highly experimental, often interactive, and always engaging style. Their work has found a home everywhere from college campuses to living rooms, art galleries, underground venues, and international festivals including the Dixon Place HOT! Fest, New Ohio Theater’s Ice Factory Festival, Stockholm Fringe, and the Month of Performance Art – Berlin.

Darling’s writing has been published by venues such as the Berlin Art Prize, Ghost City Review, Anti-Heroin Chic and Transnational Queer Underground, and they hold a merit award in fiction writing from the National Foundation For Advancement of the Arts. Fitch has run the international performance series Yes/No/Other/All: Performance on the Boundaries of Identity since 2015.