


June 8, 2024: Pride Festival Details TBA

June 15, 2024: VesperEssence Launch, Details TBA

Past Performances:

November 2021 TV Bar, Berlin (for William Kherbek book launch)

September 2020: Revelations (Digital Performance), Stockholm Fringe

*all 2020 dates have been cancelled*

December 18, 2019, Capture Bar, Berlin

August 12-17, 2019, TheSpace@Surgeon’s Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland (Late Night Ceremony Fringe Show) 

June 22, 2019, L.U.X, Berlin (BLUE: Concept Legendary – A Queer Party)

June 20, 2019, Lauschangriff, Berlin (for Strip Down album launch party)

May 17, 2019, PRO ARTS, Oakland, CA (with Jubilee July, Castle Russell and Jaq Dalziel)

May 11, 2019, Eggplant House, Seattle WA (With Pink Shadows, Celia Lipshutz and Apocalypstick)

April 19, 2019, University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK

April 13, 2019, The Dragonfly, New Orleans, LA (With Cypress Atlas and Al and Dog)

April 6, 2019, FOAM, St. Louis MO

April 4, 2019, Queer Nite at The Sydney, Omaha NE

March 27, 2019 Beehive, Salt Lake City, Utah

March 20, 2019, Hushe Clubbe at Hyperion Tavern, Los Angeles, CA (With Le Fomo)

March 9, 2019, The Glove, Brooklyn, NY (With Lorene Bouboushian, I’mGoingToMarryYourDad, Bob Hatt)

March 7, 2019, The Pharmacy, Philadelphia PA (With TheLight1000K and Mothr)

March 1, 2019, MAC 650 Gallery, Middletown, CT (With Nora Pasco and Jordumb)

February 16, 2019: NEON KUNST, Herrfurthstrasse 23 Berlin (With Ignatz Hoch)

December 31, 2018 NYE @ Ludwig, Anzengruberstrasse 11

November 8 2018, GlogauAir, Berlin – Reading and Hosting Nisha Bhakoo’s book launch

March 28 2018, Host House, Denver CO (with Mothr Band)

March 17 2018, Pro Arts, Oakland CA (With Polly Trope, Uncle Princess, Emelia Brumbaugh, Tigre Bailando, Jaq Dalziel)

March 16 2018, Cabareight, Los Angeles CA

March 11 2018, Teros, San Diego CA (with Felicia Williams, Polly Trope and D.Wrex)

March 8 2018, Mudlark Public Theater, New Orleans LA (With Cypress Atlas, Polly Trope and Alice Alice)

March 1 2018, MAC650 Gallery, 650 Main St Middletown CT

December 14 2017, Glitterious @ Circle1 Gallery, Mittenwalderstrasse 47 Berlin (With Dieuwke Boersma)

December 7 2017, Top Surgery Fundraiser @ LUDWIG, Anzengruberstrasse 3 Berlin (with Tom Moore/Ignatz Hoch, Alex Norton, Vanessa Jupiter, and Masha)

November 18 2017 @ NEONKUNST, Herfurthstrasse 23 Berlin (With Tom Moore/Ignatz Hoch and Polly Trope)

October 27 2017, Mauroparty Pop Queer Edition @ LUX, Schlesischestrasse 41 Berlin

September 29 2017, Relations @ Circle 1 Gallery, Mittenwalderstrasse 47 Berlin

September 24 2017, PoetryBrunch @ Silent Green, Gerichtstrasse 35 Berlin (with Polly Trope)

August 18 2017, Witch Rave @ Jugendinsel Berlin (with Lady Gaby)

August 11 2017, Mauroparty Exposed Edition @ LUX, Schlesischestrasse 41 (DJ Set)

June 9&10 2017 @ S0MA Gallery, Liegnitzerstrasse 35 Berlin (for Über D A S festival, curated by Darling Fitch, LAST SCHEDULED PERFORMANCES OF A STRANGER SOUND)

April 15 2017 @ Mudlark Theater, 1200 Port Street, New Orleans LA (With Cat Child)

April 10 2017 @ Junior High, 5656 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles CA

April 2 2017 @ AS220, 115 Empire St, Providence RI

March 28 2017 @ Hampshire College, 893 West St, Amherst MA

February 12 2017 @ Kupfer Bar, Oranienburgerstrasse 65, Berlin (Lupercalia Festival, co-curated with Elle Peril)

January 19 2017 @ LUDWIG, Anzengruberstrasse 3, Berlin

November 17 2016 @ NEON KUNST (with Lolita Terrorist Sounds), Herrfurthstrasse 23, Berlin

October 29 2016 @ Zinefest Berlin (tabling), Greenhouse Berlin, Gottlieb-Dunkel-Straße 44

August 26 2016 @ Insel der Jugend, Berlin for Witch Rave with Lady Gaby (improvised performance)

August 8 2016 @ The Living Gallery BK, 1094 Broadway, Brooklyn New York

August 4 2016 @ Montserrat DTLA, 1503 S Central Avenue, Los Angeles

August 1 2016 @ Beauty Bar Chicago (Small Excerpt for the Salonathon Series)

July 14 2016 @ Greenhouse Berlin: Queer Cabaret (With Pinc Louds), Gottlieb-Dunkel-Straße 44

July 9 2016 @ CLUB, Biebricherstrasse 14

July 6 2016 @ Larry’s Bar (Original Performance Piece with Lady Gaby), Chausseestrasse 131a

June 4 2016 @ CLUB, Biebricherstrasse 14

May 8 2016 @ Tatwerk Performative Forschung: Possible Memories Festival, Hasenheide 9

April 28 2016 @ Haute Presents for Gallery Opening: Coco Wasabi, The Art of Riot, Grosse Hamburger Strasse 36

April 23 2016: Premiere of A Stranger Sound, CLUB, Biebricherstrasse 14